Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snake bracelet

Hi, remember me? I'm still alive, barely. Anyways my spring break was a busy one, I got dragged into making a comic with some of my online friends, working on my pinkie cosplay for big apple ponycon ( more on that later) and I had to work on my art history project, because when the professor allows you to make something instead of writing a research paper, you take that offer. 

I decided to recreate a piece of ancient Greek jewelry: a snake bracelet, here have some history: Spiral bracelets in the form of snakes were very popular in the Hellenistic period. This type of bracelet, like a snake coiled around the wearer's arm, continues the form found in the Classical period. Such bracelets were always worn in pairs, around the wrists or the upper arms. The size of this pair, solid gold and quite heavy, indicates that they were meant for the upper arm. The goldsmith took pains to recreate the sinuous motion of a coiled snake and the texture of its skin at the head and tail. The back loop-closure, which was held by a copper fastening pin, is rather unusual; most snake bracelets slipped on.                                                                                                   


  A lot of the detail that I carved into the clay was lost when I added the paint, gold leaf, mica power and gloss mix, but I still think that it came out well. And no it can't be worn, it's for display only.

  My other big project: Pinkie Pie for Big Apple Ponycon, I still have to make the hat and put the finishing touches on the dress.

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